International Student and Researcher

About USP and internationalization

University of São Paulo (USP) is the largest higher education and research institution in Brazil and is among the world’s top universities according to various global evaluation rankings, frequently being the top-ranked institution in Latin America. Internationalization is one of USP’s current main objectives. USP welcomes people from all continents and promotes exchange with international institutions through networks and consortiums, such as Erasmus Mundus, Associação das Universidades de Língua Portuguesa, Rede Magalhães, among others.

USP has an International Cooperation Office whose aim is to promote students, faculty and researchers’ mobility by working towards increasing international cooperation and helping with mobility logistics. As of today, the University has over 1,000 international agreements with several institutions all over the world. Students and faculty members enjoy a multicultural environment with people of different cultural backgrounds.

For more informations and to acess the USP International Student and Researcher’s Guide.

(Source: USP International Cooperation Office – Aucani)

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Rua da Reitoria, 374 – 3º andar
Cidade Universitária
CEP 05508-220
São Paulo SP